Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lorot Son of the Hills, Go and tell 'em

Whenceupon Lorot Son of the Hills trudged to the Hill of Truth, to listen to the echoes of the Hill and to be the intermediary of the secrets of the hills. It was in the evening, and all mortal men were going to their homesteads. But Lorot Son of the Hills was going to commune with the Hills. When everywhere is quiet and only the sound of an occasional low of a cow or a bleat of a goat does Lorot Son of the Hills goes to the Hills. This was such day, this was such moment.

Then I heard the echo of the Hills:

"Lorot Son of the Hills, the Hills are despondent today. Where there has been cheer, there is disconsolateness; where there has been joy, there is melancholy and dejectedness. We don't understand the ways of sons and daughters of the hills."

"Lorot Son of the Hills, what do you see?"

I looked around the Hill. There was an eerie silence around this place. I saw nothing.

"Nothing. I see nothing in particular"

"Good. Now go to the sons and daughters of the hills and tell them that you see nothing. Go and tell them that."

"But I don't understand. How do I say I saw nothing?"

"Precisely. You see nothing. We don't blame you. But among the sons and daughters of the hills you see things, Lorot Son of the Hills. You see things. Go and speak with them about those things"

"But what things, if I may ask. Because when I hear the echoes of the hills I tell them. When I hear the wind blow I relay the message to them. But of today's message I am lost, I am confused"

"Listen, Lorot Son of the Hills, of your confusion we can't tell, of you getting lost we can't fathom. Hear this: Go and tell the sons and daughters of the hills that they should not glorify evil. They should keep peace. A sword should not be raised against a brother, an insult should not be levelled against a brother. They should love each other. Lorot Son of the Hills, go and tell them....."

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