Friday, November 12, 2010

Go and Tell Ruto This...

Whenceupon Lorot Son of the Hills trudged to the Hill of Truth, to listen to the echoes of the Hill and to be the intermediary of the secrets of the hills. It was in the evening, and all mortal men were going to their homesteads. But Lorot Son of the Hills was going to commune with the Hills. When everywhere is quiet and only the sound of an occasional low of a cow or a bleat of a goat is heard does Lorot Son of the Hills go to the Hills. This was such a day, this was such a moment.

"But such a message is broad. We specifically send you to Honourable Ruto, that son of Kenya. Go tell him this..."

Then I heard a voice:

"Lorot Son of the Hills, go and speak to the sons and daughters of the hills (People call them Kenyans). Tell them that we are not happy about what is unfolding before them. It is about one of their own called Ruto. The sons and daughters of the hills love to hear juicy stories spilled by their media about "ICC" "Hague" "What Ruto told ICC" and such other Headlines. There is no problem with that. So that son of Kenya went to the Hague and came back to a heroic reception. He is now accusing Hassan Omar of "coaching" witnesses and as such Rono and Wekesa have come up saying that they had been "bribed" to give damning evidence against Ruto. And the plot gets thicker and thicker, each passing day.

"So we send you, Lorot Son of the Hills, with a message from the hills. To tell the sons and daughters of the hills that we are displeased with the time being spent in political manoevrings., witchhunt, calculations and broader schemes for 2012 elections. Tell them that the hills are displeased with them. Tell them we are watching their lies, fabrications, every underhand strategy.

"But such a message is broad. We specifically send you to Honourable Ruto, that son of Kenya. Go tell him this: That the sons and daughters of the hills will listen to all he has to say, they might sympathise with him, they might play to his public show of affection. That the media buzz might be all around him whether his issues are legit or driven by political expediency. That the institutions to hear his complaints will listen to his side of the story. That the courts will dispense justice, whether it be for him or against Kenya. That claims about coaching of witnesses will be listened to and settled in our judiciary. That truth will finally out. But that is besides the point.

"This is the point. Go and tell Ruto that for every sympathy he gets, for every public show of affection he receives, for every media buzz he hits, for every time his complaints are heard, there is the other side of the story. Where he spends more than a million to go to Hague, there's a son or a daughter of the hills who elected him and will sleep hungry. Where he goes to press conferences to level accusations, there's an IDP whose story is not heard. Where he hits the headlines, there's a Kenyan whose sorrow is shut in misery with no hope. Where he schemes for 2012, there's a son and daughter of the hill whose family was wiped out because of 'controversial' election results. Go and tell him that there's another side of story which Hague won't have an opportunity to get. Go and tell him that that side of the story is the story of a Kenyan who catches nausea listening to the circus playing before him. Go and tell him that is the story that the hills would want to hear.

"So, go, Lorot Son of the Hills, go and tell them..go and tell them..."

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